Find a fertility awareness practitioner in your area
Practitioners listed below are trained and supported by FertilityUK to teach fertility awareness methods. Please call the appropriate clinic and ask for a fertility awareness appointment with the named practitioner. Some practitioners are health professionals working in NHS clinics and providing free services, but others work privately, please ask about their fee schedule. Practitioners are listed by geographical region from north to south. Scroll down to find your local service. Scroll straight to the bottom for Scotland, Wales and the Channel Islands. If you are not able to find a practitioner in your area, you may be interested in a virtual consultation.
Virtual Consultations
It is always preferable to see a practitioner in person (particularly for the first session) but where this involves unacceptable distances then virtual consultations may be an option (e.g. Zoom or Skype with telephone/email support). Note that the effectiveness of FAMs is based on studies using face-to-face teaching and the effectiveness of distance-learning is not known. Scroll to the bottom to find a list of practitioners offering video consultations.
Liverpool, North West England
Axess Liverpool - City Centre @ The Beat, 6 David Lewis Street, Liverpool, L1 4AP (for Liverpool residents)
Tel: 0151 247 6555: Alison Mcdonough
Wolverhampton, West Midlands
Fowler Centre for Sexual Health, Building 3, New Cross Hospital, Wednesfield Road, WV10 0QP
Tel: 01902 444 444 Louise Arliss, E-mail:
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Kingsway Health Centre, Unit 18, Leisure Park, Kings Way, Stevenage, SG1 2UA
Tel: 0300 008 5522: Caroline McBride: Wednesdays 6.00-9.00 pm
London N 16
(Stoke Newington, Dalston, Hackney)
The Body Literacy Collective, 3-9 Belfast Road, London, N16 6UN. Private practice. Fees chargeable. Contact: Laura Robson. /
London NW5
Sarah email All calls are by Zoom. Private practice. Fees chargeable.
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Oxford Sexual Health, Churchill hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LE. Tel: 01865 231 231: Dr Liz Azzopardi Email:
Maidenhead, Berkshire
The Bramley Holistic Practice,Alwyn Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5EG Private practice. For Planning Pregnancy only. Fees chargeable
Tel: 01628 773 133: Rosanna Mundy E-mail:
Sexual Health Dorset, 66-68 Palmerston Road Boscombe. BH1 4HT. Tel: 0300 303 1948. Anna Taylor - Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Telephone, Face to Face, or Virtual consultation. (Trained by National Association of NFP Teachers
Bath, Somerset
Anita Winter E-mail: Consultations by video call (for those living in South West England)
Scotland: West of Scotland
Tel: 07855 125 195 Anne Conway: Email:
See National Association of NFP Teachers at for contacts in Wales (and other locations)
Jersey, Channel Islands
Mary Cahill email In-person and virtual appointments. Charges are applicable with limited availability for a donation option for those who struggle financially.
Can’t find a clinic?
If you are unable to find a clinic near you it may be possible to access another NHS service, but not all services can accept clients from outside their area. Many contraception and sexual health services are not aware of the demand for FAMs so either do not provide the service or are cutting existing services. If you can't find a practitioner within your area, try writing to your local service to ask why there is no provision for FAMs.
Virtual consultations
The following practitioners offer virtual consultations
Mary Cahill: Email: Charges are applicable with limited availability for a donation option for those who struggle financially.
Jane Knight: Email: Consultations by Zoom, Skype or Teams. Fees chargeable. Reduced rates for students and low income households.
Sarah Panzetta: Email All calls are by Zoom. Fees chargeable.
Anita Winter E-mail: Consultations by Zoom calls (for those living in South West England)
If you still require help please contact us.
Disclaimer: Fertility UK provides training and updating for health professionals but practitioners are responsible for their own practice and continuing professional development. FertilityUK cannot accept liability for individual practitioners.
International Organisations teaching Fertility Awareness Methods
European Institute for Family Life Education for FAM organisations throughout Europe
Germany: Sensiplan, Arbeitsgruppe
US and global FA projects: IRH Georgetown University:
Standard Days Method:
Canada: Serena
Australia: Australian Council of NFP
New Zealand: Natural Fertility New Zealand
Note: Some organisations have a religious orientation which may or may not be appreciated.